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- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- #
- # script for aspell hash autorebuild in Debian systems
- #
- # Copyright 2004-2009 Agustin Martin Domingo <agmartin@debian.org>
- #
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- #
- sub usage {
- print STDERR "\nUsage:\taspell-autobuildhash [--debug] [--force]\n"
- . "\n"
- . "Options:\n"
- . "\t--debug Show debugging infor about aspell-autobuildhash\n"
- . "\t internal work. Will also enable aspell affix validation.\n"
- . "\t--force Do the job regardless of versions comparisons.\n";
- }
- sub debugprint {
- print STDERR "@_\n" if $debug;
- }
- sub mymessage{
- my $message = join(" ",@_);
- my $question = "dictionaries-common/ispell-autobuildhash-message";
- my $hashfile = '';
- if ( $lang ) {
- $hashfile = "$lang";
- } else {
- $hashfile = "dictionaries-common";
- }
- subst($question,"xxpell","aspell");
- subst($question,"XXpell","Aspell");
- subst($question,"hashfile",$hashfile);
- subst($question,"errormsg",$message);
- fset ($question,"seen","false");
- title("dictionaries-common: Running aspell-autobuildhash");
- input("critical",$question);
- go ();
- }
- sub myerror {
- mymessage @_;
- exit 1;
- }
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Handle autorebuilding
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub autorebuild {
- my $lang = shift || # The dictionary name
- myerror "No argument passed to function autorebuild";
- my $data = "/usr/lib/aspell"; # The data/lib dir
- my $langsfile = "/usr/share/aspell/$lang.contents"; # The subdicts file
- my $options = " --per-conf=/dev/null "; # Make sure no personal conf is used at all
- my @sublangs = ();
- $options .= " --dont-validate-affixes " unless $debug;
- myerror "aspell data dir $data does not exist" unless ( -d $data );
- if ( -e $langsfile ){
- open (LANGSFILE, "< $langsfile") || die "Could not open $langsfile for reading";
- @sublangs = <LANGSFILE>;
- close LANGSFILE;
- } else {
- push @sublangs, $lang;
- }
- foreach ( @sublangs ){
- next if m/^[\t\s]*$/;
- chomp;
- s/^[\s\t]*//;
- s/[\s\t]*$//;
- next if m/^\#/;
- my $sublang = $_;
- my $base = "/usr/share/aspell/$sublang"; # the wordlist basename
- my $hash = "/var/lib/aspell/$sublang.rws"; # the hash file
- my $msg = '';
- my $unpack = '';
- print STDERR "aspell-autobuildhash: processing: $lang [$sublang]\n";
- if ( -e "$base.mwl.gz" ){
- $unpack = "zcat $base.mwl.gz";
- } elsif ( -e "$base.wl.gz") {
- $unpack = "zcat $base.wl.gz";
- } elsif ( -e "$base.cwl.gz") {
- $unpack = "zcat $base.cwl.gz | precat";
- } else {
- mymessage "Could not find any of $base.{mwl,wl,cwl}.gz";
- return 0;
- }
- #$unpack = "$unpack | aspell clean strict";
- system ("$unpack | aspell $options --local-data-dir=$data --lang=$lang create master $hash") == 0
- or $msg = "Could not build the hash file for $sublang" ;
- if ( $msg ){ # Do not break postinst if hash cannot be built
- mymessage ($msg); # Just inform about that
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Get aspell compat version
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub get_aspell_compat {
- my $aspell_compat = '';
- if ( -e $aspellcompatfile ){
- open (COMPAT,"$aspellcompatfile");
- chomp ( $aspell_compat = <COMPAT> );
- close COMPAT;
- } else {
- $force = "yes";
- }
- return $aspell_compat;
- }
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The main program
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- use Debian::DictionariesCommon q(dico_checkroot);
- use Debconf::Client::ConfModule q(:all);
- use Getopt::Long;
- dico_checkroot();
- $compatdir = "/var/lib/aspell";
- $aspellcompatfile = "/usr/share/aspell/aspell.compat";
- $force = '';
- $debug = '';
- GetOptions ('debug' => \$debug,
- 'force' => \$force) or usage();
- if ( -x "/usr/bin/aspell" ){
- $aspell_compat = get_aspell_compat();
- foreach $compat ( <$compatdir/*.compat> ){
- my $build_hash = '';
- my $lang_compat = '';
- $lang = $compat;
- $lang =~ s/\.compat$//;
- $lang =~ s/.*\///;
- open (COMPAT,"$compat");
- $lang_compat = <COMPAT>;
- close COMPAT;
- $lang_compat = 0 if not $lang_compat;
- chomp $lang_compat;
- $build_hash = "yes" if ( $aspell_compat ne $lang_compat );
- $build_hash = "yes" if $force;
- if ( $build_hash ){
- debugprint "$lang => aspell_compat: [$aspell_compat]; lang_compat: [$lang_compat]";
- if ( autorebuild($lang) ){
- debugprint " +++ Updating $compat";
- open (COMPAT,">","$compat");
- if ( $aspell_compat ){
- print COMPAT "$aspell_compat\n";
- } else {
- print COMPAT "0\n";
- }
- close COMPAT;
- } else {
- debugprint " --- $compat not updated because of an error";
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- debugprint " aspell is not installed. Doing nothing";
- }
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- B<aspell-autobuildhash> - Autobuilding aspell hash files for some dicts
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- aspell-autobuildhash [--force]
- Options:
- --debug Show extra info about aspell-autobuildhash internal
- work. Will also enable aspell affix validation.
- --force Rebuild the hash file for all dicts providing a
- compat file skipping the test.
- B<aspell-autobuildhash> is a script that will manage aspell hash files
- autobuild, intended to be called from the dictionaries-common tools.
- Depending on the aspell
- compatibility level and on the compatibility level used for the hash file
- if present, will decide whether it must be rebuilt or not. This script will
- only work on aspell packages prepared to use it, it will do nothing for other
- aspell dict packages.
- =head1 OPTIONS
- --debug Show some extra information about aspell-autobuildhash
- internal work. Will also enable aspell affix validation.
- --force Rebuild the hash file for all dicts providing a compat
- file regardless of the compatibility levels found.
- To use this system, just provide a F<$lang.compat> file in F</var/lib/aspell>
- (I<$lang> stands for the lang basename with variant if any, e.g. I<gl-minimos>
- or I<en>). Put a "0" in it or just create an empty one with touch.
- Wordlists should previously be compressed either with gzip
- (and their extensions set as F<.mwl.gz> or F<.wl.gz>) or preferably
- first with aspell prezip and then gzipped (with F<.cwl.gz> extension).
- This applies both for plain wordlists and munched wordlists
- (in the ispell way) if you use affix compression.
- If your package will provide a single hash, install prezipped+gzipped
- wordlist as F</usr/share/aspell/$lang.cwl.gz> or, if prezip is not used,
- as F</usr/share/aspell/$lang.mwl.gz>.
- If your package will provide more than one aspell hash for the same $lang,
- you will need to place each compressed wordlist as e.g.
- F</usr/share/aspell/$subdict.cwl.gz>, and the common F<$lang.compat> as
- above. Then create a F</usr/share/aspell/$lang.contents> file with the
- base names of the subdicts, one in a line. For English that will contain,
- amongst other possible lines
- en-common
- en-variant_0
- en-variant_1
- en-variant_2
- en_CA-w_accents-only
- No need to use this file if a single hash is being created.
- Dictionaries-common scripts will call internally this script and create a
- single hash file at F</var/lib/ispell/$lang.rws>, or hash files at
- F</var/lib/ispell/$subdict.rws>. You must set a symlink to that
- files from F</usr/lib/aspell/$lang.rws> or
- F</usr/lib/aspell/$subdict.rws> as appropriate.
- You are also suggested to create empty files at
- F</var/lib/aspell/$lang.rws> or for all of the
- F</var/lib/aspell/$subdict.rws> in the install target of
- your package build process. This empty file will be overwritten when the
- real hash is created, but will make the hash be removed at package
- removal without any magic being done in the postrm and will also help to
- keep track about which package owns that file.
- If you use B<debhelper> you may want to pass B<-Xvar/lib/aspell> option
- to B<dh_md5sums> call in your F<debian/rules> file, to avoid B<debsums>
- complaining about those hash and compat files.
- B<aspell> maintainer should also call this script from package postinst.
- When comparing versions it will get the aspell version from file
- F</usr/share/aspell/aspell.compat>.
- =head1 AUTHORS
- Agustin Martin <agmartin@debian.org>
- =cut